Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Ethics by definition is according to the Honorable Potter Stewart, “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do” (n. d.) Business ethics by definition applies to professional ethics related to moral issues, in the workplace. For further consideration, refer to the code of ethics, standards of conduct, and the mission statement regarding quality, and privacy. Unethical conduct in the organization is intolerable. This organization prides itself on honesty, and integrity. Conflicts of interest require recusing when conflict arises, for compromising solutions. Business ethics duties extend to the employee and business practice by following legal regulation and morals of society. This organization addresses ethics in mandatory seminars, and continuing educational opportunities. Addressing expectations provides guidance specific expectations. 
In the workplace, employees and departments will perform with ethical consideration. These examples include the finance department conducting honest accounting. Fraud and theft is zero tolerance. In human resources, this department will not engage in discrimination in accordance with congressional legislation. Human resources ethical violations include nepotism, and favoritism. Marketing reflects honest actions of the organization. The organization will not publish false advertising, or false claims as true. Products such as defective equipment negatively influencing outcomes demands addressing not suppressing. The misuse of property for personal gain is unethical. 
The ethics policy of the organization addresses unethical behaviors. Written explanation defines misinterpretation of ethics. Standards of conduct comply with risk management and quality issues. Outline expectations, and consequences. This organization will not accept gifts of any kind. Politics and religion discussion not related to the work is not a practice in this organization. The organization prohibits paraphernalia of political and religion. 
Employees will not accept monetary awards, or for exchange for services. Minimum standards include dishonesty, falsely documents, altering, omitting information, or documentation. Exposing secrets related to product of service, patented, or not. This includes working with competing businesses, undercutting, and stealing business an effort to support startup of a new business when resigning a position. Harassment, sexual, verbal, or unbearable in any manner is intolerable. Grounds for dismissal also include physical violence, verbal violence, or perceived violence. 
The employee will follow the standards of conduct which includes the following conflicts with standards of conduct (a) illegal substances, materials, and distribution, (b) working-on-the- job under the influence of alcohol, or illicit drugs (c) Every employee will conduct himself or herself by excluding insubordination, and (d) refusal to complete tasks in the job description (e) Employees will follow safety and health regulations according organizational policies including Occupational, Safety, and Health legislation. Employees shall not commit (f) Unauthorized tardiness, (g) absenteeism, (h) misconduct, and (i) unsatisfactory performance. (Standards of professional conduct, 2005). 
Standards of Professional Conduct (2005) Employee Handbook & Guidelines. Retrieved on February 21, 2010 from Employee Handbook Website http://www.employee-handbook.org/handbook/standards.html
Stewart, Potter (n. d.) Potter Stewart Quotes. Brainy Quote, Retrieved on February 21, 2010 http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/potter_stewart.html 

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