Sunday, May 25, 2008


This is my first time blogging. I am starting this
to document our family craziness. We are into laughter. We are surrounded by sadness by many things. We are a strong group of individuals. I want to pass on my wisdom to the kids. I feel as though there is so much to say.
I have been married for 16 years. Together for 20. We met in high school. I have always said that even if you do not have anything left to hang on to in the marriage there is always love. Love does not always mean forgiveness, it means that you can forget, and get past the hurt. We took vows for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and health, till death parts us. These are words of promise. They are taken seriously. Granted they are just words, but put together the words are very powerful. I know most marriage vows are universal in content. Spoken so many times people recite them all the time. It seems to me that people in general take the vows for granted. What do you have if you do not have your word. Your word is your honor. Honor is not given the status it deserves anymore. You do not break promises. Do what you say your going to do. Not just in marriage, but in life.
The current culture on marriage is that it is alright to diorce if things just get hard. To me that is hogwash. I believe that things will always work themselves out given time. Fighting is a working form of communication. If you can get past the tone and insults and listen, not hear (they are two very different words) to the message, and try to respond with understanding what they want, and compromise ( I know that this does not always happen). It may take time, and several fights to have both see the light. Believe me I forget all the time!
I know there are many reasons couples divorce. I am not saying that it is wrong for another individual to divorce. This is my thoughts of the topic. What is right for one does not mean it is right for another.
Three children, a 15 year old girl, 11 year old boy, and a 9 year old girl. I will be writing about a number of topics that will come up as I go, or whatever strikes me. Writing is a form of peace for me.