Monday, June 2, 2008


God has a plan for all of us that was created before we were born. He created us deliberately, what our genes are, who our parents are, and what kind of life we have. To much time is spent asking God for favors, and help. Less time should be spent on self-centered ideas. God should not be used as a doormat. He created us out of love. Love is what moves the world. We need to think about what God's plan is for us. Why are we living for ourselves and not God. We should be thinking about our struggles to accept our backgrounds, and personalities, and looks. We should not fear this introspective, and embrace it. We were created with personal struggles to understand what Gods purpose is. How do we see ourselves fitting into the plan. God made us with our flaws intentionally. He wanted us to feel that imperfection as a way to learn to understand and love Gods plan for us. He wants us to see there is a bigger sense of the world. God unquestionably that he loves us all. In return we are to love him and the world back. We are here to love unconditionally all things and beings. The test comes in forgiveness. We are allowed to be angry, not trust, and feel all the negative emotions, on top of the positive emotions. It is to embrace his idea that there is always love, and room to love more. Not just him, but those around you.