Tuesday, June 24, 2008

moma call the doctor and the dr said...no more monkeys jumping on the bed

Went and saw my nurse practitioner today. She said I was having premature ventricular contractions, and still pre-hypertensive. I had my medicine switched for my lungs, and depression. Was told my artifact on my MRI was actually a very elongated c-6. She concurred that I needed surgery for my neck and is referring me to a cardiologist, and an orthopedic surgeon. She was happy to report that I have lost 9 pounds since the last appointment in Feb.

She said my depression, and heart could be from my thyroid and took blood to check the level. I know it will come back elevated because my carpal tunnel has been very bad lately. I tried to garden, not successfully, and I can not hold a book without switching my only brace from one wrist to the other. I know whinny....Well this is MY blog I can be!

Ben has gum on his paw, My youngest daughter strikes again. My son had his bike stolen. We managed to recover it partially stripped. We have My oldest spreading the word around about locating the boy who took off when he found the cops were coming.

My youngest is sad sad sad Her beloved best friend has gone to California for the summer. Her friend called to say Ben's parents had two more puppies and the teacup one has Ben's markings. The dark colored one is the toy sized. She misses my baby.

My oldest is trying to gather herself together to ask Grandmothers for money towards driving school, and work out a deal for help with a car. She is thinking about her birthday and getting to school. She is trying to be responsible. She is currently looking to get her GED before going to college. Both colleges she has applied to have said she qualifies for substantial grants. She was hoping that she could contribute a little bit of the money toward a car. She is trying hard to be an adult way to soon. The colleges are not close. The GED prep location is not close. She is thinking about how to get herself back and forth. She is trying to save half her paychecks to purchase a car. At the rate she is earning it might be awhile. She knows gas and insurance has to be budgeted.