Saturday, September 27, 2008

growing up

I am not sure when it happened. At some point I became an adult. At 39 I do not feel like I am close to being 'over the hill.' I feel like a child inside. Growing up with eleven brothers and sisters was very entertaining. Mom made up for it by adopting us. Mom had nine babies lost two and adopted five of us. She never lied about her ability to love us as she did her 'homegrown' and told us from the beginning she did not make us but she loved us just the same. That has bonded me tighter to my mom since meeting my own birth mother. It frightened me that I had room in my heart to love my biological mother just the same in the few days I spent with her. The bond was instant. I had to shove her out of my life because I just could not do it. My Mom is my Mom. She raised me, and cared for me. When I returned home from that trip was the only time in my life I ever saw my strong, unemotional mother vulnerable. She sat by me as we the pictures and discussed the immediate resemblements. I saw the worry and had to reassure her without hesitation that she was my mom and no other.
My mom was a stay at home mother. She loved it and felt exhausted by it. My father worked long hours and was rarely around. He was an appraiser among many other hats he wore. My parents taught me common sense, and to excel at what I put my mind to. They praised my work. Mom kissed my boo boos, and said it would be alright. I could afford to take some risks because they were there supporting me and being available if I needed it.

We lived in a big white house on Chain Bridge Road. I lived at a three and a half acre, and what I call an estate. It was a ten bedroom, seven bathroom, and two basements. One was a rec room with a pool table and for a time a full size air hockey table that my siblings and friends had tournaments with. We had a pool and a gigantic yard that was self contained as far as playing was concerned our long driveway ran straight to the back of the house and off to the right side in front of the house was a parking circle for my fathers Fleet wood Cadillac. The yard was full of azalea's that made our corner of the world famous every spring when the flowers were in full bloom. My parents would take pride when someone would show up and ask for a tour of the yard, or ask if they could marry there. My older brother Nick and his wife Brenda had their reception there. Once or twice a photographer would show up with and without a journalist. My younger sister Betsy and I had our picture on the front page of Fairfax Journal with us backed into a bush to show the surrounding flowers.

When my father died the Journal did a piece on him for his philanthropic work and general greatness. He was a tough man. He seemed to know everything. He was intelligent and educated. There was not much about business, law or anything he did not know. I got to the point where I stopped asking questions to my mom because she would say, 'I do not know go ask your father'. He always knew just how to manage a crisis. He would go into to action mode and It just made me feel safe knowing he was handling things. He had a great heart and did everything in his power to help anyone in need kids, family members, and outsiders who came to rely on Dad. Sometimes too often he would give money. If he had it and someone else could get out of a jam he would give it away. It at times seemed unfair. My father taught me above all else to be generous with yourself to others not just monetarily, but if there is something that could be done ... do it. He taught me not to depend on others to support me. He taught me that if you do not know the answer it is up to you to find out the answer. That is my responsibility. Education is the way. He would push education. He said he would pay for as far as I wanted to go.

My mom was our protector and keeper of the roost daily. She held down the fort and managed to run the real estate rental company. She encouraged our imaginations and told us to play outside as often as possible and rain or shine. "Go puddle jumping" she said. She read to us when she was not to exhausted. She read for pleasure when she could. She encouraged us to read and has to this day hundreds of books that she would pick up for us to read. She made sure we did not lack in this one pleasure that is critical for everyone. My father built (or rather paid to have built) an outdoor Avery that she loved and spend a lot of time in with finches, parakeets, and the like. She would bring in baby birds to hand train and sell. When they were ready for homes up would go a sign on one of the big trees out front. It was a successful side business until it dented the income of a local pet shop who contact the authorities and put a stop to it because Mom did not have the every up to code. Mom was upset. Mom is NEVER one to show emotion. You could see it in her eyes.
Mom taught us humility, grace, how to eat at the dinner table, manners, morals, rights, wrongs, not to suffer to defeat, rather how to over come defeat. She knew how to raise children. She knew how to without raising her voice or swearing, unlike my father who taught me my tacky mouth I still use. She got mad at Betsy and I one day and I will never forget it. I still retell it to anyone if the topic comes up. She said,"Hell's bell's and little fishes." Bets and I were stunned. We both looked at each other and shouted in a slow shocked drawl,"Mom!" We all stopped arguing and left the room knowing we went to far. When we started school and left our corner of the world Mom was our defender at school, and the one who would readily admit to school or parents if we were wrong and punished us for our actions because we knew. I did push the limits. She did let us acknowledge humility and defeat. How were we to learn other wise. It would pass with her gentle but firm words of wisdom, "Wait till your father gets home." That would make all of us kids tremble with fear because we knew without a doubt that something severe was heading our way to learn from our mistakes.

Monday, September 8, 2008

at least its not raining on my head in the house

We did get the roof fixed. All the dumb storms blowing by us. My how is it that when the kids go back the school they school nickles and dimes us to death. For my son, he needed a locker, lock and uniform, $25.00. A Chorus collar shirt $15.00. A locker for shop $5.00. School supplies ? Letter to the school explaining we can not afford this and having all fee's waved and supplies taken care of the credit card....Priceless. forget the PTA fees or the fundraisers. The school tried to charge my son lunch when it is free the first day and the lady running the register told him tough nuggets made me mad. I gave her a nice letter the school sent me saying it was free.

My oldest worked 8 days straight the fist week back to work and was happy to report a 40 cent increase in her pay. She worked 35 hours now and qualifies for benefits. Social services said no way to not applying her income to the household income because we told them she is saving it for college and a car and it brought down our income almost $300.00. It will bring our food income up almost the same amount so It evens out. I like it better this way because now we won't starve the last 10 days of the month. Tommorow my husband and I are having our appointments with our doctor. He did his first weekend in jail. The lawyer said he would file for reconsideration after three or four successful weekend visits. We are being thrown out of the library now. will update in a few days when I can get back here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Maybe the devil does live in our back yard

One of my family members actually told me that the devil is living in my back yard. I, have to say that after giving it thought past the obvious insanity, it could explain a alot. It is hard to believe that June 24th was my last blog. Depression is a horrible disease. I quit doing everything and anything. I stayed in bed until I went to Pony Penning in Chincoteague the last week of July. I am still not back to where I want to be but it is a start to just get up every morning. Small baby steps.
I have an appointment next week with the orthopedic surgeon for my wrist. As it turns out my thyroid level was normal for the first time in years. I guess when the thyroid quits working and your on almost the strongest dose there is really no reason for it to be low.
I have an appointment to get my blood pressure checked. The social security doctor said it was still running 140/90. That is very high for me. That might be triggering the pvc's. I have to have that looked into. I just could not bear to get out of bed, let alone the house to see a doctor. I can barely write, or hold a book. Typing is not as hard as writing or dishes.
Kids went back to school on August 20th. Both the younger ones are happy with their teachers. My son is fitting into middle school very well. He wants to get back into honors Reading because it is less boring than his regular class. He is taking shop this quarter and is happy. He is noticeably taller than my oldest now. He got a locker yesterday and is thrilled.
My youngest has her friend back home. She went with her friends mother to the airport to pick her up and stayed the weekend before school started. One of Ben's newest siblings died. My youngest is quickly making new friends. Her class is in a trailer this year. They have to walk inside to use the facilities. It is hard to get her out of her shell. She will be taking beginners violin this year and is eager to start working on it like her big sister. Her big sister is eager to teach her as well. They are pea's in a pod. Her best friend also plays violin and my youngest wants to catch up to her with at least one thing. Her arm is still paining her some. I have her scheduled to see the ortho,"Dr. Eye Candy" that is what my oldest boyfriends mom calls him. He is handsome. She is going the same day as I an my oldest to see the ortho. My oldests knee is still dislocating on its own with exercises. She at this point wants the surgery. She is tired of dealing with it. I am tired of dealing with her knee too.
My oldest is working full-time. The restaurant reopened this week and they are thrilled to have her. She did drop out of school. The school administrator told me this was the best option for her at this point. She can not take adult ed classes until she is 18. I was upset to find this out. She has been taking GED pretests and passing them (social science, language, reading, composition) with out studying so far. She can not sit for the test until December though. She is studying an hour a day with the textbooks.
I have been taking alot of pain medicine to try and clean up my garden. It is in shambles. I work for a little while, lay down for a little while, then go back to work.
We have rotten neighbors who got mad at where we placed our trash and filed a protective order against us when it was not on their property.
We got a 1994 Buick Le Sabre to get us where we need to go.
My husband has his last court date next week. Wonder if he is going to go to jail this time. The new judge at the courthouse is an absolute wretch. Even the police have admitted to not liking him. This is the only thing I have wanted to do throughout my depressive episode.
My brother in law says my mother in law has Alzheimer's. He announced to me the first day we arrived in Chinc. I said my husband and I have decided this ourselves and we do not know what to do next. It is not severe enough to require assistance yet. At least he See's it to. He is staying in the beach house we use. It was a wonderful time with him. He is very good with kids. He got a ridge back, lab puppy that is this huge barreling puppy that makes you brace yourself when you see him coming full speed. She is four months old. Ben kept trying to mate with her. Having him fixed is on my long to do list. Ben is much better about letting me know he needs to go out. That is a mixed blessing because at four am NO ONE wants to walk him. We do not have a fence. That is the mixed blessing.
My son caught alot of fish at the beach. My youngest is going to have a riding lesson when we go for labor day, and everyone is going to ride go carts.
The shopping center is pushing for an addition on the grocery store. It backs to my house. They are interested in our property now...again. We'll see. I am not holding out hope. We would move to Crisfield if we had a choice. No one wants to live near mom-in-law. Brother in law is contemplating moving to either oc or va beach to get away from her. I tried to tell her she can not control 40year old children which is what she is doing and driving the three of them crazy because she gets upset when she does not get her way and lets them know. She has been really good about keeping her mouth shut around the kids when venting finally. My kids can not take criticisms about their parents from anyone especially grandmothers. They all quit calling grandmothers when this happened. So if anyone wants calls from grandchildren it would be best to not discuss shortcomings of parents. It puts my kids in a bad place. They have been taught to respect their elders, and not talk back. This put them in the position of not knowing how to handle the conversations. So calls were stopped. We are all guilty of making mistakes whoppers or not. We teach our children to not judge someone on mistakes. We say look at the good they have accomplished with their lives. The conversations were stopped all around because the disappointment and stress did not do a bit of good. It was a shock to both of us and hurt and disappointment. It felt like having wine thrown in both of our faces both ways. I have heard nothing from my mom.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

moma call the doctor and the dr more monkeys jumping on the bed

Went and saw my nurse practitioner today. She said I was having premature ventricular contractions, and still pre-hypertensive. I had my medicine switched for my lungs, and depression. Was told my artifact on my MRI was actually a very elongated c-6. She concurred that I needed surgery for my neck and is referring me to a cardiologist, and an orthopedic surgeon. She was happy to report that I have lost 9 pounds since the last appointment in Feb.

She said my depression, and heart could be from my thyroid and took blood to check the level. I know it will come back elevated because my carpal tunnel has been very bad lately. I tried to garden, not successfully, and I can not hold a book without switching my only brace from one wrist to the other. I know whinny....Well this is MY blog I can be!

Ben has gum on his paw, My youngest daughter strikes again. My son had his bike stolen. We managed to recover it partially stripped. We have My oldest spreading the word around about locating the boy who took off when he found the cops were coming.

My youngest is sad sad sad Her beloved best friend has gone to California for the summer. Her friend called to say Ben's parents had two more puppies and the teacup one has Ben's markings. The dark colored one is the toy sized. She misses my baby.

My oldest is trying to gather herself together to ask Grandmothers for money towards driving school, and work out a deal for help with a car. She is thinking about her birthday and getting to school. She is trying to be responsible. She is currently looking to get her GED before going to college. Both colleges she has applied to have said she qualifies for substantial grants. She was hoping that she could contribute a little bit of the money toward a car. She is trying hard to be an adult way to soon. The colleges are not close. The GED prep location is not close. She is thinking about how to get herself back and forth. She is trying to save half her paychecks to purchase a car. At the rate she is earning it might be awhile. She knows gas and insurance has to be budgeted.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I have been getting in trouble lately for getting extra's at the grocery store. I have a very hard time getting what I say I am going to get. It has been a hard reality check

Friday, June 6, 2008

Ben strikes again

dumb dog. I am so mad at him. I used a grocery bag and hung it on a drawer while I did dishes today, Stupid Ben manages to tear the bottom of the bag open and enjoyed the trash. I hope the chicken bones go down without a fuss. He seems o.k.

I do not know who thought giving Ben gum was a good idea in hindsight. He really works on the gum as gum. I have not seen a dog actually chewing gum. It is hilarious! Anyways....My oldest has braces so she is not suppose to chew gum but she can not manage to give up this habit. Ben in all his smarts knows this and it is another one of those leave the door open and go for gum instead of that tasty pork chop. He has an excellent memory when food is concerned. Her door does not shut and stay shut. She uses a paint can when she is in her room to keep BEN out. The Smart thing about Ben is he knows like the bathroom door is he can just push it open with a bit of umph, blow right through the door and leave us on the toilet stuck, and shouting for someone to help. Getting back to my point... One day while my oldest was at school Ben mysteriously showed up in front of me with a wet matted bit of fur on his chest. I found it was gum and cut it out. I did not give a second thought to him finding more... Well, again, Ben showed up with more gum stuck on his chest. So fool me once....Now Ben has several spots of uneven chest hair that once looked brilliant. It was my favorite part about him. Oh well.
My youngest came home last week with a homework sheet. We discussed the assignment handed it back. Ben is in a tear up paper phase like babies and magazines. I gave little thought to what he was tearing and eating other than it was paper. My youngest got up and howled Ben ate my homework! It was all I could do to enjoy the moment which she was clearly was not. Her teacher she said would not be happy with her. I said she might get a laugh and she said no, I am supposed to be responsible for my homework. Her father and I giggled.
My youngest again...Had a lollipop on her dresser. Ben managed to somehow get a hold of it and carefully got the wrapper off and sucked on it for a few moments before my youngest came in and watched Ben enjoy her lollipop.

Love part 3

Eternity, the concept seems very overwhelming, Our actions impact our eternity, It is not giving us the green light to go willy nilly living in today without regard to consequence. I know there are souls out there that are lost to eternal damnation . Those souls lack hope, and lack wanting more, Some lack the ability to use self control and think of others rather than themselves. It is a sad loss to think of those souls. When considering eternity it changes values, character, time, and money use. The priorities are refocused. It makes the perceived image of death a new idea of joy rather than focus on the loss. Death is nothing to fear. Death is something to look forward to if the time on earth is well spent working toward eternity.We need to think about the consequences of all impending actions.
There is more to life than just here and now. Since I was made to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing today and the one thing I should start doing today?

The one thing I should stop doing is feel sorry for myself. To accept that my life is what it is and I choose to make the best of it.
The one thing I should start doing is go to church. My youngest has been hounding me to go and I think I am in a place where I am ready.


What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life? What do I want it to be?

The driving force of my life is family bond. I love with a force that is stronger than a momma bear. If I feel threatened I come out with a protective growl like no other. I would move mountains for my family, to keep them safe out of harms way. My ability to open my heart and wear it on my sleeve is another force. It hurts me at times. I wish I could hide it a bit better. If I keep my guard up though I am on the offense to keep hurt at bay. I want my driving force to be exactly what it is. I want to be pure of heart. I am not doing enough to simplify life I want to focus on what is most important, Eternity.

Gardening stuff to do

  • Design your garden or landscape and determine the number of species needed.
  • Pull out weeds before they get big.
  • Clean out bird house, and make repairs.
  • Sharpen and clean gardening tools.
  • Prune summer flowering shrubs, vines, and crape myrtle.
  • Its time to sow seeds indoors.
  • Remove from cold storage potted bulbs for Easter.
  • Rototill the vegetable garden at least two weeks before planting potatoes, peas and asparagus by the end of the month.
  • Remove excess straw from strawberry bed. Leave only a light dusting of straw to protect the strawberries from direct contact with the soil.
  • Prune butterfly bush.
  • Rake away leaves and debris and clear dead plants from beds.
  • Plant earliest cool weather crops.
  • Prune summer-flowering roses (Spring flowering roses should only be pruned after flowering).
  • Mulch perennials.
  • Mow old annuals and perennials with the mower set high. Leave the roots.
  • Plant container grown or balled and burlapped trees and shrubs.
  • Spread an inch of compost over the flower garden.
  • Divide perennials and grasses.
  • Last chance to prune summer roses.
  • Paint nail polish on all cut rose canes thicker than a pencil.
  • Plant onions, peas, potatoes, parsnips beets, and carrots.
  • Prune hydrangea.
  • Cut out old gray stems of forsythia after blooming.
  • Plant perennials, herbs and less hard cool crops.
  • Pinch mums, keeping it three inches high.
  • Last chance to prune crape myrtle.
  • Remove seed heads from tulips, narcissus, and hyacinths.
  • Set the lawn mower to at least 3.5 inches to crowd out weeds an improve turf.
  • Plant corn, beans, squash, and cucumbers.
  • Transplant annuals in the flower and vegetable garden.
  • Prune spring bloomers including spring flowering roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, and andromeda, mountain laurel, forsythia, weigela, spirea, viburnum, flowing crab apples, lilacs, and cherry laurel after blooming.
  • Plant your full garden after May 10th.
  • Pinch your mums, keeping them three inches high. It prevents them from blooming in the summer season, and creates a thicker mum, for fall color.
  • Dig and divide daffodil bulbs.
  • Install drip irrigation.
  • Start training tomato plants to grow upright on stakes, or trellises.
  • Prune weigela as forsythia.
  • Fertilize roses and spray for mildew and black spot.
  • Stake plants before they grow to big.
  • Pinch your mums to three inches high.
  • Hand prune, yews, hollies, photinia, juniper, and viburnums.
  • dead head herbaceous plants such as delphiniums, and peonies.
  • Prune petunias, and nasturtium to keep them flowering.
  • Prune hedges wider at the bottom.
  • Kill Bermuda grass with Roundup keep edges well trimmed. cut back with an edging iron those that have spread.
  • Cut back mint thyme, and lemon balm.
  • Water lawn and flowers in the morning to avoid wilting in the heat of the day, and to prevent mildew and root rot during the night.
  • Pinch your mums to three inches high no later than July 15th, than do not pinch again. Let grow.


  • Top-seed lawn to fill in bare spots.

  • Divide peonies, and iris now for more spring blooms.
  • Plant tulip, narcissus, crocus, hyacinths, and grape hyacinths. Do the same in pots for Easter.
  • Top-dress lawn with compost at the rate of two cubic yard per 1,000d square feet.
  • Start a compost pile using garden waste.
  • Plant mums for autumn color.
  • Service chain saw.
  • Plant daffodils, and crocus for spring flowering.

  • Mulch azaleas with compost or fertilized them with Holly Tone.
  • Rake leaves under shrubs for mulch.
  • Use excess leaves in compost. Mix old compost with new, and keep sprinkler working for wet compost.
  • Kill bamboo and kudzu with Roundup.
  • Make two applications two weeks apart at the recommended concentration.
  • Plant pansies and ornamental cabbage for cool weather color.
  • Fertilize azaleas and bluegrass or fescue lawns.
  • Bring in Terra cotta pots, and bleach them to kill mold and store dry.
  • Pinch dead heads of mums.

  • Plant potted shrubs before they freeze.
  • Clean garden with lawn mower.
  • Cut back roses with in 18inches of the ground to prevent wind whipping of canes.
  • Wet down compost pile weekly.

  • Cut greens for holidays. an plunge them into a pail of 100 degree water.
  • Spray evergreens decoration with two percent solution of horticultural oil or Plant Shine for brighter leaves.
  • Move bay laurel plants and trees indoors.
  • Force narcissus and amaryllis bulbs indoors.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Places I want to explore and research

Places I want to go and do research for trips

meterrainian coast
Central America
South Carolina
Treasure Hunting

Love part 2

this is the 2 subsequent post to "Love"

What Drives You?

It can be a painful memory. fear. a belief, or guilt. It could be running from regret and be manipulated by shame. It is products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.

Many people are driven by anger and resentment instead of forgiveness. Rehearsing it over and over in their heads. I, and others have a tendency to blow up and others internalize.

Powerful Words: Resentment

It hurts ourselves more than the offender. Do not hold on to bitterness. The past is the past. that can not change. The hurt holds no power over the offender. It only hurts if us hold onto the pain through resentment.


It can be from a traumatic experience, from unrealistic expectations, growing up in a controlling home, or a genetic predisposition. These people miss out on opportunities because of fear. It is a self imposed prison. Use faith and Love to push through fear.

The Need For Approval:

We do not want to let down our parents, teachers, spouses, and peers. The pressure we are worried about is what others think. God says, "no one can serve two masters".

Knowing Your Purpose Gives Meaning To Your Life:
Without God life has no significant purpose or hope. Hope is need to cope. If there is something wanted...there is hope.
Knowing our purpose and living our life with God's plan for us, can simplify our life
What we do and don't do is guided by God's purpose. Use it to evaluate activities. It gives our life a foundation to base decisions, allocate time, and resources. Do activities that matters most. Productivity can be driven without purpose.


What would our family and friends say is the diving force of our life, and what do we want it to be? If everyone understood that life on earth is really a preparation for eternity, how would we act differently? According to the bible we will be sitting in judgement of God. He wants to know of our acceptance of what Jesus did for us, and did we trust him. This will determine where we spend eternity. God wants to know what you did with what God gave us. What we did with our talents, opportunities, and energy. Did we spend them on ourselves and did we use them for the purposes God made for us.
This will determine what we will do for an eternity.


I am reading a fantastic book called a purpose driven life. It is fantastic, and touches on ideals I already apply.

From Love yesterdays post

I am abrupt, have a propensity to be nasty if I am hurt. I am venerable, but confident. I am strong minded, stubborn, and determined. I am loving, kind, and generous, I smoke, and cuss,I am dependant, and independent. I have the wisdom to keep on going when all else fails. Sometimes I do not try hard enough. I am scared and on edge for reasons I have not begun to understand. I feel helpless and unable to help myself because I do not know what I am scare of. I do not know what keeps me going, I do not know where I am going. I feel I have let my children down, by my choices. The pressure on me to change this and have not let it guide me. My mother and father stayed together through it all. I feel there is a reason for enduring this for all. I am unclear of what it is. I love to talk and giggle. I love to be silly, and sincere. I can carry myself with grace and dignity when I have to. I am very nosey. I hate not knowing....
I have struggled with father issues. The manic depression, and health had huge consequences for me. I was a rotten teenager and took advantage of my parents and family. I left in more ways than one. I would get out as much as possible. I made very poor choices at the time without giving a thought to the consequences of my actions, and who it would hurt. I depended on my parents to much. I was 27 by the time my financial dependency was severed. It left me with a constant sensation of impending doom. I do not know why I struggle with this. My fathers death was the worst pain I have felt in my life time. I can not imagine what it will happen when my mother...I can not even . I was not as close to my father as I feel with my mother. Emotionally depend on her. She is my rock. I feel safe with her. She knows exactly what to say to make me feel better, she tells me when I am wrong and makes me think about my errors. I am doing that with my kids. I am trying to show them how to be happy does not mean depending on others for it. After my mom I depended on my husband for my happiness. I will never forget sobbing on the floor for hours uncontrollable, so hurt by him not understanding how he could hurt me so badly. It was in my early 30's.
I am about my nose of all things. I am insecure of my thighs, hips, and stomach. I have always even while bigger have lots of comments, interest, and looks by men and women. I know that I can not waste time feeling insecure about my physical flaws and know that my husband likes me the way I am and that men in general do not view me the way I think they do. That was a huge burden I used to carry. My husband taught me that. I was almost ready to pop with my son on an anniversary and was wearing what I called jokingly my tent dress at a restaurant where the bathroom was in the bar. I noticed crossing through that several men were admiring me. I relayed this to my husband and said I did not understand how they could eye me in my tent dress. He looked at me and said the nicest thing I ever heard. 'honey, all men like to go camping'. As funny as it sounds it was the biggest boost my ego ever had from the man who changed my world.

Monday, June 2, 2008


God has a plan for all of us that was created before we were born. He created us deliberately, what our genes are, who our parents are, and what kind of life we have. To much time is spent asking God for favors, and help. Less time should be spent on self-centered ideas. God should not be used as a doormat. He created us out of love. Love is what moves the world. We need to think about what God's plan is for us. Why are we living for ourselves and not God. We should be thinking about our struggles to accept our backgrounds, and personalities, and looks. We should not fear this introspective, and embrace it. We were created with personal struggles to understand what Gods purpose is. How do we see ourselves fitting into the plan. God made us with our flaws intentionally. He wanted us to feel that imperfection as a way to learn to understand and love Gods plan for us. He wants us to see there is a bigger sense of the world. God unquestionably that he loves us all. In return we are to love him and the world back. We are here to love unconditionally all things and beings. The test comes in forgiveness. We are allowed to be angry, not trust, and feel all the negative emotions, on top of the positive emotions. It is to embrace his idea that there is always love, and room to love more. Not just him, but those around you.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

things I have little patience for

I do not like:

doing dishes: I have done more than my fair

share...I know, doormat right?!

clean the house :my kids are old enough to do all the work. WHY should I subject myself to it?

Laundry- especially when I do not really have a laundry room and how to go down to the pit of hell/dungeon my husband calls a shop, which is as big as the upstairs of the house. It is unfinished and smells like...musty old dirt combined with more musty old dirt, and oil. Icky. Even the concrete floor is nasty. I used to mop in there once a year. My hoarder of a husband can not seem to fix, clean up, or throw anything out. I am not allowed to clean up down there heaven forbid I sort and place the wrong bolts together. They are bolts, for Pete's sakes.

My house needs so much work done, that I do not know how, what supplies, or be given the OK to work on.

I decided to paint my room from the awful color of pink to a gray shade. My husband said he would finish sanding down the areas that needed to be completed since 1995, yes I did say 13 years ago. I asked is he would do the edges. I have shaky hands. He said yes, and so I rolled the ceiling, and three walls. I am still waiting for him to finish what he said he would do. This was four years ago.

The hole in my kitchen floor in front of the stove, my husband kinda fixed temporarily, that is now back...for several months it been like that.

how cheap handles are on appliances. The door hand slowly came off my fridge. Everyone in the house has learned not to walk to closely or a sharp edge will scratch.

Lying-I absolutely hate, hate, hate.

I hate going for a spoon, to find none, or a fork. Really...? !Really...?! dishes are done, and clean and what I am looking for is not there ?

I hate waiting for something to come in the mail. It is like watching a pot boil. I hate that too.

Brain tumors

Mother in laws who think they have better insight to your marriage than you do when you have been married way longer than she was or in a relationship.

not having a car

not being able to drive it because gas is to expensive.

being depressed

getting on my pity pot

being lectured

cocaine and morphine


being vulnerable

being depended on for tiny small tasks or chores.

bees, and caterpillars I got bit and stung. I am allergic to them.

rude people

people who tolerate rude people. It just gives them the excuse to keep on being rude.

Ben-our evil genious

Six months ago we added a teacup Pom to the family. Primarily for my youngest because she had separation anxiety issues and had been sleeping with me for a while. She missed her father and would not leave my side. My husband was away at the time. I also, had my tubes tied years ago and now regret it. So with that in mind here is my jeez:

Love him or hate him
My oldest daughter broke her bed frame years ago and so the bed is on the floor. She likes to eat in her room. Last week, I made pork chops for dinner. She came out of her room and left her door open. Ben seeing this as an opportunity snuck in her room. He nabbed the pork chop, and got out before she returned. He hid with the pork chop, and enjoyed it.... She left the plate on the bed. Live and learn. A couple of nights later while making a sandwich she gave a couple of pieces of ham to Ben. Again, she went to her room, and left the plate on the bed. She returned to the kitchen where I was and was doing something when I noticed Ben watching her hoping for more ham. He realized that wasn't happening and trotted off down the hall seeing her door open. It took a second for me to realize what was happening. I ask if the sandwich was on the bed and told her Ben was going toward her room. Like a banshee she went down the hall full speed crying out BEEEENNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and stopped him just in time. A sheepish Ben came waltzing back out with a look on his face that said 'damn'. I know he will wait for the next time she leaves her door open.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Monday, May 26, 2008


I don't know when it is I became a doormat. Everyone wants something of me. Drive my oldest to work, Mommy can I use your computer which means "what am I going to do now?" Its been a lifelong dream to sit with my kids while they are on the Internet. God, how tediously Boring with a capital B thank you. Whens dinner, what's to eat, Mom I need you. Where is all the glory, praise, and thanks. My son, asked me to go to the beach with him, Bored and without sisters to harass yesterday had to practically drag me away from my room to walk down to the beach on the boardwalk. Blah blah blah . I know that I am supposed to just suck it up and watch the late afternoon sun go down, smelling the honeysuckle, while the gulls and dirty damn ducks quack while they flyby. Actually once I was there I had a good time watching him dig holes and swim in the bay. Guess who was asked to drag the bogey board, and the dog on the leash home. He is a puppy and learning how to walk on a leash. God love him...the dog. He can not manage to stay on one side of me while I drag the board with the other hand.
I am stuck without a job, my oldest lands one. My youngest is lucky enough to go on a trip where she got to eat out three times that i know of, go to an amusement park, go to the beach and stay at a hotel ...the good life, I am stuck in my house without a working car, and no money, no cigarettes (shut up haters) with nothing fun to do . Not that I really want to do anything. It's nice to be asked, like my son. My husband who is notorious for "running an errand" "Be right back" is consitently back usually three hours later. Earlier tonight he came in just as dinner was going in the oven and I thought he said he was running to the hardware store before they close to get correct me if I am wrong, does a car really have a need for a buttplug? 0_o Can you imagine the size of a car buttplug? Where does a car buttplug go anyway? The exhaust pipe? HMMM I'm not sure I really want to know the answer. Anyway back to my point. I said to him at 6:38 see you at 9pm. he muttered something naturally unkind and I said uhhuh, we'll see. Well....Its currently 940pm and no sign of him or my damn ciggerattes which he said he would bring me back a pack. I should know better by now. My directtv box burned up while he was gone and now I have nothing but this computer to kill time with. All this negativity is probably just my depression talking but then again. Maybe It will be justifiable homicide to. Nothing can be rationalized. Just remember my geez for the day. We moms are all just doormats plain and simple,

Sunday, May 25, 2008


This is my first time blogging. I am starting this
to document our family craziness. We are into laughter. We are surrounded by sadness by many things. We are a strong group of individuals. I want to pass on my wisdom to the kids. I feel as though there is so much to say.
I have been married for 16 years. Together for 20. We met in high school. I have always said that even if you do not have anything left to hang on to in the marriage there is always love. Love does not always mean forgiveness, it means that you can forget, and get past the hurt. We took vows for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and health, till death parts us. These are words of promise. They are taken seriously. Granted they are just words, but put together the words are very powerful. I know most marriage vows are universal in content. Spoken so many times people recite them all the time. It seems to me that people in general take the vows for granted. What do you have if you do not have your word. Your word is your honor. Honor is not given the status it deserves anymore. You do not break promises. Do what you say your going to do. Not just in marriage, but in life.
The current culture on marriage is that it is alright to diorce if things just get hard. To me that is hogwash. I believe that things will always work themselves out given time. Fighting is a working form of communication. If you can get past the tone and insults and listen, not hear (they are two very different words) to the message, and try to respond with understanding what they want, and compromise ( I know that this does not always happen). It may take time, and several fights to have both see the light. Believe me I forget all the time!
I know there are many reasons couples divorce. I am not saying that it is wrong for another individual to divorce. This is my thoughts of the topic. What is right for one does not mean it is right for another.
Three children, a 15 year old girl, 11 year old boy, and a 9 year old girl. I will be writing about a number of topics that will come up as I go, or whatever strikes me. Writing is a form of peace for me.