Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Love part 2

this is the 2 subsequent post to "Love"

What Drives You?

It can be a painful memory. fear. a belief, or guilt. It could be running from regret and be manipulated by shame. It is products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.

Many people are driven by anger and resentment instead of forgiveness. Rehearsing it over and over in their heads. I, and others have a tendency to blow up and others internalize.

Powerful Words: Resentment

It hurts ourselves more than the offender. Do not hold on to bitterness. The past is the past. that can not change. The hurt holds no power over the offender. It only hurts if us hold onto the pain through resentment.


It can be from a traumatic experience, from unrealistic expectations, growing up in a controlling home, or a genetic predisposition. These people miss out on opportunities because of fear. It is a self imposed prison. Use faith and Love to push through fear.

The Need For Approval:

We do not want to let down our parents, teachers, spouses, and peers. The pressure we are worried about is what others think. God says, "no one can serve two masters".

Knowing Your Purpose Gives Meaning To Your Life:
Without God life has no significant purpose or hope. Hope is need to cope. If there is something wanted...there is hope.
Knowing our purpose and living our life with God's plan for us, can simplify our life
What we do and don't do is guided by God's purpose. Use it to evaluate activities. It gives our life a foundation to base decisions, allocate time, and resources. Do activities that matters most. Productivity can be driven without purpose.


What would our family and friends say is the diving force of our life, and what do we want it to be? If everyone understood that life on earth is really a preparation for eternity, how would we act differently? According to the bible we will be sitting in judgement of God. He wants to know of our acceptance of what Jesus did for us, and did we trust him. This will determine where we spend eternity. God wants to know what you did with what God gave us. What we did with our talents, opportunities, and energy. Did we spend them on ourselves and did we use them for the purposes God made for us.
This will determine what we will do for an eternity.

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