Saturday, May 31, 2008

things I have little patience for

I do not like:

doing dishes: I have done more than my fair

share...I know, doormat right?!

clean the house :my kids are old enough to do all the work. WHY should I subject myself to it?

Laundry- especially when I do not really have a laundry room and how to go down to the pit of hell/dungeon my husband calls a shop, which is as big as the upstairs of the house. It is unfinished and smells like...musty old dirt combined with more musty old dirt, and oil. Icky. Even the concrete floor is nasty. I used to mop in there once a year. My hoarder of a husband can not seem to fix, clean up, or throw anything out. I am not allowed to clean up down there heaven forbid I sort and place the wrong bolts together. They are bolts, for Pete's sakes.

My house needs so much work done, that I do not know how, what supplies, or be given the OK to work on.

I decided to paint my room from the awful color of pink to a gray shade. My husband said he would finish sanding down the areas that needed to be completed since 1995, yes I did say 13 years ago. I asked is he would do the edges. I have shaky hands. He said yes, and so I rolled the ceiling, and three walls. I am still waiting for him to finish what he said he would do. This was four years ago.

The hole in my kitchen floor in front of the stove, my husband kinda fixed temporarily, that is now back...for several months it been like that.

how cheap handles are on appliances. The door hand slowly came off my fridge. Everyone in the house has learned not to walk to closely or a sharp edge will scratch.

Lying-I absolutely hate, hate, hate.

I hate going for a spoon, to find none, or a fork. Really...? !Really...?! dishes are done, and clean and what I am looking for is not there ?

I hate waiting for something to come in the mail. It is like watching a pot boil. I hate that too.

Brain tumors

Mother in laws who think they have better insight to your marriage than you do when you have been married way longer than she was or in a relationship.

not having a car

not being able to drive it because gas is to expensive.

being depressed

getting on my pity pot

being lectured

cocaine and morphine


being vulnerable

being depended on for tiny small tasks or chores.

bees, and caterpillars I got bit and stung. I am allergic to them.

rude people

people who tolerate rude people. It just gives them the excuse to keep on being rude.

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