Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ben-our evil genious

Six months ago we added a teacup Pom to the family. Primarily for my youngest because she had separation anxiety issues and had been sleeping with me for a while. She missed her father and would not leave my side. My husband was away at the time. I also, had my tubes tied years ago and now regret it. So with that in mind here is my jeez:

Love him or hate him
My oldest daughter broke her bed frame years ago and so the bed is on the floor. She likes to eat in her room. Last week, I made pork chops for dinner. She came out of her room and left her door open. Ben seeing this as an opportunity snuck in her room. He nabbed the pork chop, and got out before she returned. He hid with the pork chop, and enjoyed it.... She left the plate on the bed. Live and learn. A couple of nights later while making a sandwich she gave a couple of pieces of ham to Ben. Again, she went to her room, and left the plate on the bed. She returned to the kitchen where I was and was doing something when I noticed Ben watching her hoping for more ham. He realized that wasn't happening and trotted off down the hall seeing her door open. It took a second for me to realize what was happening. I ask if the sandwich was on the bed and told her Ben was going toward her room. Like a banshee she went down the hall full speed crying out BEEEENNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and stopped him just in time. A sheepish Ben came waltzing back out with a look on his face that said 'damn'. I know he will wait for the next time she leaves her door open.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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