Friday, June 6, 2008

Gardening stuff to do

  • Design your garden or landscape and determine the number of species needed.
  • Pull out weeds before they get big.
  • Clean out bird house, and make repairs.
  • Sharpen and clean gardening tools.
  • Prune summer flowering shrubs, vines, and crape myrtle.
  • Its time to sow seeds indoors.
  • Remove from cold storage potted bulbs for Easter.
  • Rototill the vegetable garden at least two weeks before planting potatoes, peas and asparagus by the end of the month.
  • Remove excess straw from strawberry bed. Leave only a light dusting of straw to protect the strawberries from direct contact with the soil.
  • Prune butterfly bush.
  • Rake away leaves and debris and clear dead plants from beds.
  • Plant earliest cool weather crops.
  • Prune summer-flowering roses (Spring flowering roses should only be pruned after flowering).
  • Mulch perennials.
  • Mow old annuals and perennials with the mower set high. Leave the roots.
  • Plant container grown or balled and burlapped trees and shrubs.
  • Spread an inch of compost over the flower garden.
  • Divide perennials and grasses.
  • Last chance to prune summer roses.
  • Paint nail polish on all cut rose canes thicker than a pencil.
  • Plant onions, peas, potatoes, parsnips beets, and carrots.
  • Prune hydrangea.
  • Cut out old gray stems of forsythia after blooming.
  • Plant perennials, herbs and less hard cool crops.
  • Pinch mums, keeping it three inches high.
  • Last chance to prune crape myrtle.
  • Remove seed heads from tulips, narcissus, and hyacinths.
  • Set the lawn mower to at least 3.5 inches to crowd out weeds an improve turf.
  • Plant corn, beans, squash, and cucumbers.
  • Transplant annuals in the flower and vegetable garden.
  • Prune spring bloomers including spring flowering roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, and andromeda, mountain laurel, forsythia, weigela, spirea, viburnum, flowing crab apples, lilacs, and cherry laurel after blooming.
  • Plant your full garden after May 10th.
  • Pinch your mums, keeping them three inches high. It prevents them from blooming in the summer season, and creates a thicker mum, for fall color.
  • Dig and divide daffodil bulbs.
  • Install drip irrigation.
  • Start training tomato plants to grow upright on stakes, or trellises.
  • Prune weigela as forsythia.
  • Fertilize roses and spray for mildew and black spot.
  • Stake plants before they grow to big.
  • Pinch your mums to three inches high.
  • Hand prune, yews, hollies, photinia, juniper, and viburnums.
  • dead head herbaceous plants such as delphiniums, and peonies.
  • Prune petunias, and nasturtium to keep them flowering.
  • Prune hedges wider at the bottom.
  • Kill Bermuda grass with Roundup keep edges well trimmed. cut back with an edging iron those that have spread.
  • Cut back mint thyme, and lemon balm.
  • Water lawn and flowers in the morning to avoid wilting in the heat of the day, and to prevent mildew and root rot during the night.
  • Pinch your mums to three inches high no later than July 15th, than do not pinch again. Let grow.


  • Top-seed lawn to fill in bare spots.

  • Divide peonies, and iris now for more spring blooms.
  • Plant tulip, narcissus, crocus, hyacinths, and grape hyacinths. Do the same in pots for Easter.
  • Top-dress lawn with compost at the rate of two cubic yard per 1,000d square feet.
  • Start a compost pile using garden waste.
  • Plant mums for autumn color.
  • Service chain saw.
  • Plant daffodils, and crocus for spring flowering.

  • Mulch azaleas with compost or fertilized them with Holly Tone.
  • Rake leaves under shrubs for mulch.
  • Use excess leaves in compost. Mix old compost with new, and keep sprinkler working for wet compost.
  • Kill bamboo and kudzu with Roundup.
  • Make two applications two weeks apart at the recommended concentration.
  • Plant pansies and ornamental cabbage for cool weather color.
  • Fertilize azaleas and bluegrass or fescue lawns.
  • Bring in Terra cotta pots, and bleach them to kill mold and store dry.
  • Pinch dead heads of mums.

  • Plant potted shrubs before they freeze.
  • Clean garden with lawn mower.
  • Cut back roses with in 18inches of the ground to prevent wind whipping of canes.
  • Wet down compost pile weekly.

  • Cut greens for holidays. an plunge them into a pail of 100 degree water.
  • Spray evergreens decoration with two percent solution of horticultural oil or Plant Shine for brighter leaves.
  • Move bay laurel plants and trees indoors.
  • Force narcissus and amaryllis bulbs indoors.

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