Friday, June 6, 2008

Ben strikes again

dumb dog. I am so mad at him. I used a grocery bag and hung it on a drawer while I did dishes today, Stupid Ben manages to tear the bottom of the bag open and enjoyed the trash. I hope the chicken bones go down without a fuss. He seems o.k.

I do not know who thought giving Ben gum was a good idea in hindsight. He really works on the gum as gum. I have not seen a dog actually chewing gum. It is hilarious! Anyways....My oldest has braces so she is not suppose to chew gum but she can not manage to give up this habit. Ben in all his smarts knows this and it is another one of those leave the door open and go for gum instead of that tasty pork chop. He has an excellent memory when food is concerned. Her door does not shut and stay shut. She uses a paint can when she is in her room to keep BEN out. The Smart thing about Ben is he knows like the bathroom door is he can just push it open with a bit of umph, blow right through the door and leave us on the toilet stuck, and shouting for someone to help. Getting back to my point... One day while my oldest was at school Ben mysteriously showed up in front of me with a wet matted bit of fur on his chest. I found it was gum and cut it out. I did not give a second thought to him finding more... Well, again, Ben showed up with more gum stuck on his chest. So fool me once....Now Ben has several spots of uneven chest hair that once looked brilliant. It was my favorite part about him. Oh well.
My youngest came home last week with a homework sheet. We discussed the assignment handed it back. Ben is in a tear up paper phase like babies and magazines. I gave little thought to what he was tearing and eating other than it was paper. My youngest got up and howled Ben ate my homework! It was all I could do to enjoy the moment which she was clearly was not. Her teacher she said would not be happy with her. I said she might get a laugh and she said no, I am supposed to be responsible for my homework. Her father and I giggled.
My youngest again...Had a lollipop on her dresser. Ben managed to somehow get a hold of it and carefully got the wrapper off and sucked on it for a few moments before my youngest came in and watched Ben enjoy her lollipop.

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