Saturday, January 7, 2012

Use of Vertical Bar Graphs
A bar graph shows relationships between information in a series. The height represents the total money in sales the individual made. The higher the bar or longer the bar, reflects the greater the value (Charts and graphs Para 8, 2009). The measure value is the vertical bar on the graph.  The vertical bar graph is the correct way to measure sales.  A multiple series line graph is another way to convey the data.  A multiple line graph could be harder to read with 20 employees versus 3 employees. The type of should easily identify the trend (Using charts Sect 3, 1998).    
The bar graph depicted is a vertical bar graph retrieved from an article in the Office Developer Library, titled, “Integrating Virtual Earth Maps and Excel 2007 Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition (Part 2 of 2) by Imtiyaz Mubarak (2008) (Appendix 1). The title of the chart is, “Sales by Sales Person” (2008).  This chart shows the total sales over a two-year period. The sales are broken down to per person, per year for a two-year period.               
Graphs convey information in condensed form improving for ease of reading simplified data.  Charts, a form of communication should be easy to read (Using charts Para 2, 1998).  Charts offer comparisons, and trends (Charts and graphs, Para 2, 2009). Line charts are best when a variable has more than four or five data points, over a period. The slope shows the viewer the trends at a glance.
The Sales by Salesperson bar graph has two independent variables, by person by each year.  Each year is colored differently to show the variations in sales per year. The graph could label each bar, but for readability the use of color is easier for the author. The bars are grouped together by person to indicate the sales per year individually.  A color-coded key will inform the reader how to interpret the information. 
              Not all types of charts, work for all kinds of information. Knowing the purpose of the chart is the place to start in deciding which is appropriate for the information. The information represents specific data. Whether tracking trends, or compare and contrasting data vertical bar graphing is the correct tool for the measurement. Tracking trends is useful for tracking sales, monthly against another employee, or yearly, for exampleUses of bar graphs allow the reader to identify what the author wants conveyed.


Mubarak, Imtiyaz (2008) Integrating Virtual Earth Maps and Excel 2007 Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition (Part 2 of 2). msdn Office Developer Center .Retrieved on December 20, 2009 from
Using Charts (1998) Strategic Communications. Retrieved on December 20, 2009 from
Charts and graphs (2009) Mind Tools. Retrieved on December 20, 2009 from

Appendix 1

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