Saturday, January 7, 2012

Conspicuous consumption

Conspicuous consumption defined by the Business Dictionary (2011) by the author Thorstein Bunde Veblen ‘s 1899 book, the [sic] theory of the Leisure Class, “Extravagant [sic] and ostentatious expenditure.  Conspicuous Consumption is meant not to satisfy any physical need, but rather to gratify the phychological [sic] creaving [sic] for status or the esteem of others” (para 1).  
The basis for conspicuous consumption influence purchase decisions is purely a want, rather than a need.  The decision is on the basis of desire.  A high priced item desired was a General Motors Corporations (GMC) Envoy, a sport utility vehicle (SUV).
I wanted an SUV after Chevrolet produced the Blazer, in the 1980s.  My parents refused to purchase it because it was a vehicle built for men.  I obtained a great deal on a used Envoy with low mileage through a friends wholesale business years later.  My perception was one of status.  The football mother’s drove SUV; I wanted to be that mother.   
Conspicuous Leisure
Conspicuous leisure is taking the time to attain or achieve to gain in return for greater standing.  It is superiority that allows this group to partake in conspicuous consumption.  In other words.  The driver is the shared weight of conspicuous consumption.  Susan Kime (2010) the middle-class thinks in terms of conspicuous leisure as, “The corporate titles, Ivy League educations, cars, boats, furs, art collections and wine cellars often associated with wealth were nowhere to be found near the top wealthy Americans most desired list” (para 2).  The wealthiest Americans idea of conspicuous leisure in terms of fancy excursion, second homes, working remotely, and extended leave (Rimes, 2010).
Social and economic class creates a distinction with activities.  An example is playing cops and robbers, going to the park, and riding bikes as a child versus riding a go-cart for play.  Another example for adults swimming at the country clubs versus using a public pool.  The privileged possessing advantage that others do not in this setting.  The differences between the two classes here is the idea of what consumption, and leisure depends on the ability of attainment.  The lower class has a different idea for example, playing extracurricular sports, versus taking scuba diving lessons.  Everyone wants more than what they have.  
According to The Levin Institute The State University of New York  (n. d.), " has defined the phenomenon of globalization as the "acceleration and intensification of economic interaction among the people, companies, and governments of different nations” (para 1).  Most studies of globalization tend to focus on changes occurring in the economic and political spheres.  The details of those issues, such as tariff rates and international agreements, have fallen within the traditional province of government bureaucrats and political leaders"(Introduction, para. 1).  
A dissemination of cultural concepts and features universally acknowledged, on an international level.  Foreign country’s working for American companies.  American has capitalized on the lower wages, and expenditures it costs because of a poorer economy than the United States.  They still pay higher than average salaries, but still in comparison to the United States counterparts it is still below.  
American company’s expanded Americana in foreign countries by working within those countries.  Companies use human capitalizing by incorporating types of business capabilities to outsource.
Many other cultures use English as a second language.  What frustrates many English speakers occurs during phone calls with overseas communication centers is while struggling with the concept of  English some seem to lack comprehension.  Communication becomes a challenge for both parties to understand what each other are saying.  Other industry’s contracted,  aside from telecommunications include transcribing dictated medical record reports.  Many businesses in mass production, like clothing factories as well.  
American Companies have spread worldwide.  This has brought to that culture Americana dominating most markets for instance China only recently let McDonald’s expand the franchise into the country.
The Levin Institute The State University of New York  (n. d.), The United States as one of the wealthiest countries and population and has "25 percent of global economic output” is a leader in culture distribution (Dominance of the Market, para 2).  
Advertisement and Message
On Facebook, one can click to like some product, advertisement, and entertainers for instance.  One page I receive is Kohl’s.  The posted message at 46 minutes after publishing.  Currently 172 people have commented and 690 clicked the Like icon.  The message reads as this, “ Prepping for Easter!  I wouldn’t mind a basket of Kohl’s Cash.  What do you hope the Easter Bunny puts in your basket?  Shop the Basketful of Savings Sale!”  (Facebook, Kohl’s, 2011).  The intended audience is parents of children before clicking on the promotion.  After exploring the Kohl’s website the sale shows middle upper class mothers in dresses and nice heels (Kohl’s, 2011).  The ad promotes sales on a specific brand of clothing up to half off on women’s apparel and shoes.  Shoppers’ recieve free Kohl’s bucks for incremental amounts spent (Kohl’s, 2011).  
The advertisement seems realistic enough to promote dressing appropriately for Easter, or anytime.  The dresses can be accessorized up for a more professional look, or down for the causal look.  The web page design allows one to scroll over certain parts of the page for more details regarding the sale.  The message appears does not identify  about Easter, except on the Facebook message.  Nothing on the site indicates Easter.  This ad targets young professionals.  The appearance is stylish.  The hair and make up are done.  The sunglasses are on the head of one, and the other has a light sweater on.  Both have tasteful bags, on their shoulders.  One is holding hers.
The value seems to reflect nice attire to promote the trendy look for today’s young professional women who want a versatility in clothing.  The sale page reflects today’s woman.  The site also targets those who may not be able to afford the look from brand name department stores by using attractive sales price.  I think the sale says, ‘you too can look this good on an affordable budget’.  
The message can be unappealing for those live at the poverty level families are families struggling paycheck to paycheck and use the second-hand shops.  It brings a sense of disappointment, guilt, and a sense of failure.  The sale  appeals to the young professional.  Young women gain confidence, which  leads to empowerment.  


Business Dictionary.  (2011). Conspicuous consumption.  Retrieved from
(2011, April 14).  Shop the Basket full of Savings Sale [Kohl’s].  Message posted to /http://www.facebook/kohls
Levin Institute The State University of New York.  (n. d.).  Culture
in depth.  Retrieved from
The Levin Institute The State University of New York.  (n. d.).  Culture in depth.  Retrieved from
Kime, S. (2010).  Conspicuous leisure: a new luxury travel trend.  Luxist.  Retrieved from

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