Saturday, January 7, 2012

Facility Planning III Ambulatory Center
The Ambulatory Center was the original plan to create an Endoscopy Center.  The plan for the course was to build upon the previous weeks work to expand upon.  On Saturday February 19, 2011 in the Washington D.C metro area encountered unusually high miles per hour (mph).  In and around the metro area news stations recorded up to 80 mph winds.  The Nations Capital Christmas tree snapped like a dead twig.  The winds caused massive power outages in and around the metro area.  Power was not restored until early Monday February 21, 2011 not exclusive of the local libraries.  The original work was lost as a result of the weather.  The Ambulatory Care template seemed to be the best choice.  However, the assignment lacks a specific specialty, and feels more like an outpatient clinic.
Recommendations or suggestions for creating a floor plan differently include spending more time on the program for proficiency.  The software was not as easy as initially as anticipated.  Next time inclusion is to spend time working on special requirements for specifics, like room size, and regulatory requirements.  Creating the layout for submission took an unusually long-time.  The assignment was harder than the original analysis.
The assignment was educational.  The whole class has been a tough personally.  There is an enormous amount of research and work involved in the planning process that with the original analysis proved to be a shortcoming. This is one of two class I was totally unprepared for and ignorant of the process.  I am unclear if I was better researched I would have completed the assignment to the required specifications, or if I am not appreciating this class correctly.  There is a lot more to learn to feel comfortable.  This assignment feels for one of those rare assignments that I did not do as well as I wished, says the straight a student.

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