Saturday, January 7, 2012

 Performance Management      2
Individual Performance Apprasial
    Performance measurement is feedback. Feedback provides a baseline of strengths and weaknesses for an employee, department, or organization. To improve upon a measurement starts with establishing a level of acceptability. . Through analysis of the process and including potential problems that will influence negatively, and positively require adaptation to the measurement. Performance measurements systems are evaluated. The models will demonstrate advantages and disadvantages, effectiveness of employee performance, and possible suggestions for improvement.  Measurements determine effective strategies, and operations. Measurements allow for changes in weak areas.
Performance Measurement Systems
      One way to identify a measure relates to the results. The results data can come from the use of output:: outcomes, rewards, competitiveness, and financial performance(cite). Another way to identify measures is to use determinants of the results i.e., inputs. Identifying performance through "analysis of inputs, such as quality, flexibility, resource utilization, and innovation" (site). The measures are encompassed with results and determinants of results(cite). Process as a performance indicator measures the productivity at the organizational level. Businesses measure performance for various reasons.  Organizational improvement is one reason for appraisal for instance, increasing profits.  Individual performance measures are for instance related to productivity, quality, inventory, and preventive maintenance (cite). To specify individual performance measures include the cost of quality i.e. budget versus actual cost, variances measured as budgeted versus actual expenses, safety, profit contribution, and inventory turnover for instance(cite).      Financial measures gauge organizational performance, though negative consequences come from yesterdays figures than projecting tomorrow's target(cite). Some organizations use cost, and efficiency as indicators only to find that quality, time, and service is ignored(cite). Tracking productivity has to be ongoing in order to assess changes that are positive and negative.

 Performance Management     3 
 Methods of Individual Appraisals
     Narrowing down types of appraisals becomes a challenge because of the many appraisals available. The Internet, being a form of communication itself has a vast amount of templates, and types. Some organizations have tailor made the performance appraisal to fit the need. Some organizations combine methods. Other businesses use readily known performance appraisals such as the 360 Degree Feedback. Generally reviews are conducted annually.  Careful consideration with feedback should not include bias or discrimination which can become a liability.
360 Degree Feedback
    The 360 Degree Feedback is an apprasial system designed to for a manager to evaluate the performance of an employee from multiple perspectives. The basic design provides full circle reviews.  Apprasials help develop individual performance as the performance relates to the organizational goals.  This apprasial method involves receiving feedback from people in a position that understands the expectations of the employee performance. According to Busniess Balls (2009),   "The feedback is typically provided on a form showing job skills/abilities/attitudinal/behavioural criteria and some sort of scoring or value judgement system. The appraisee should also assess themselves using the same feedback instrument or form (360 degree feedback and 360 appraisals tips and template examples", para 2). The results are collectively analyzed.

Performance Management     4
 Success Factors of the 360 Degree Feedback
    Organization that endorse self development will have success with the 360 Degree Feedback apprasial. Critiques are viewed as learning opportunities. Feedback is confidential. The goals and values of the organization and the department are prerequisites for Feedback. Training staff on proper and legal techniques to describe the employee will eliminate discriminatory statements. The Feedback provides framework for developing weaker areas. A postive organizational culture will breed honest feedback. Many individuals involved with the process fosters objective collaboration with Feedback, rather than one person responsible for the review.  
Factors of Failure for the 360 Degree Feedback 
    Evaluations based upon bias can result from politically charged motives.  Problems ensue as a result of a negative feedback.The potential for bias is easy when the feedback is limited to other staff, and managers. Requesting feedback should come from outside sources such as vendors, and customers. The individuals involved in the feedback can let the employee know who is providing the feedback or have amonimity with the process. This can be a confidant or one who does not like the employee. Chapman writes, "Given more than three or four similar role-types being appraised it's not sensible to produce individually tailored criteria, in which case when it comes to the respondents completing the feedback not all the criteria will be applicable for all respondents, nor for all appraisees either" (2009). Inadequate training could result in liablious actions regarding discriminationatory comments.
 Effectiveness in improving employee performance   
            The process of measuring productivity stimulates action. Apprasails are a form of monitoring standards and expectations relating to job performance. Reviews gauge the stregthns and weaknesses that may require further training whether to develop further skills or bring the skills up to acceptable productivity levels. Apprasials are tied into annual pay reviews, which generally coincides together.  Apprasials are by nature designed to let the employee know the organization values the work produced. This has a personal impact on motivation and the desire to continue performing at or above the productivity levels. While time comsuming, and emotional at the same time for the manager and the employee. Stress regarding annual reviews are high in nature which is ironic because the intention is show the staff member their value.                                  
Provide suggestions for improvement
    Not all organizations incorporate the 360 Degree Feedback apprasial. The design fosters positive reinformcent for all employees in an organization. The Feedback method connects the employees with the organizational values and goals creating a sense of comradory. The fear of the method is biased comments from those who might want the job occupied, or attempting to oust one from the business. Eliminating the manager review alone, does establish an overall view of the performance that might otherwise be narrowed by the lack of objectivity afforded by a broader base of reviewers. At a personal level one might be asked to perform a review of a person whom one considers a friend, but view the work accomplished is below the criteria. Yes, anominty does afford confidential information, but at what cost? The person choosen to review might not want to be put in the position of having to perform this duty. This is where feelings of conflict occur. Guilt is a horrible feeling and some can not avoid it at any cost. The suggestion is that if one does not want to participate, one should not have to for the sake of the business relationship.  individuals related to the employee in a business relationship the better the outcome  
 Chapman, Allan (2009) Performance appraisals, 360 degree feedback and 360 appraisals tips and template examples. Retrieved on December 7, 2009 from degree feedback 360 degree feedback

Reference for Business. (2009). Performance measurement. Retrieved from
ICF International. (n. d.). Performance measurement and management. Retrieved from
Open Learning World. (2007). Methods of Performance Appraisal. Retrieved from

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