Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Maybe the devil does live in our back yard

One of my family members actually told me that the devil is living in my back yard. I, have to say that after giving it thought past the obvious insanity, it could explain a alot. It is hard to believe that June 24th was my last blog. Depression is a horrible disease. I quit doing everything and anything. I stayed in bed until I went to Pony Penning in Chincoteague the last week of July. I am still not back to where I want to be but it is a start to just get up every morning. Small baby steps.
I have an appointment next week with the orthopedic surgeon for my wrist. As it turns out my thyroid level was normal for the first time in years. I guess when the thyroid quits working and your on almost the strongest dose there is really no reason for it to be low.
I have an appointment to get my blood pressure checked. The social security doctor said it was still running 140/90. That is very high for me. That might be triggering the pvc's. I have to have that looked into. I just could not bear to get out of bed, let alone the house to see a doctor. I can barely write, or hold a book. Typing is not as hard as writing or dishes.
Kids went back to school on August 20th. Both the younger ones are happy with their teachers. My son is fitting into middle school very well. He wants to get back into honors Reading because it is less boring than his regular class. He is taking shop this quarter and is happy. He is noticeably taller than my oldest now. He got a locker yesterday and is thrilled.
My youngest has her friend back home. She went with her friends mother to the airport to pick her up and stayed the weekend before school started. One of Ben's newest siblings died. My youngest is quickly making new friends. Her class is in a trailer this year. They have to walk inside to use the facilities. It is hard to get her out of her shell. She will be taking beginners violin this year and is eager to start working on it like her big sister. Her big sister is eager to teach her as well. They are pea's in a pod. Her best friend also plays violin and my youngest wants to catch up to her with at least one thing. Her arm is still paining her some. I have her scheduled to see the ortho,"Dr. Eye Candy" that is what my oldest boyfriends mom calls him. He is handsome. She is going the same day as I an my oldest to see the ortho. My oldests knee is still dislocating on its own with exercises. She at this point wants the surgery. She is tired of dealing with it. I am tired of dealing with her knee too.
My oldest is working full-time. The restaurant reopened this week and they are thrilled to have her. She did drop out of school. The school administrator told me this was the best option for her at this point. She can not take adult ed classes until she is 18. I was upset to find this out. She has been taking GED pretests and passing them (social science, language, reading, composition) with out studying so far. She can not sit for the test until December though. She is studying an hour a day with the textbooks.
I have been taking alot of pain medicine to try and clean up my garden. It is in shambles. I work for a little while, lay down for a little while, then go back to work.
We have rotten neighbors who got mad at where we placed our trash and filed a protective order against us when it was not on their property.
We got a 1994 Buick Le Sabre to get us where we need to go.
My husband has his last court date next week. Wonder if he is going to go to jail this time. The new judge at the courthouse is an absolute wretch. Even the police have admitted to not liking him. This is the only thing I have wanted to do throughout my depressive episode.
My brother in law says my mother in law has Alzheimer's. He announced to me the first day we arrived in Chinc. I said my husband and I have decided this ourselves and we do not know what to do next. It is not severe enough to require assistance yet. At least he See's it to. He is staying in the beach house we use. It was a wonderful time with him. He is very good with kids. He got a ridge back, lab puppy that is this huge barreling puppy that makes you brace yourself when you see him coming full speed. She is four months old. Ben kept trying to mate with her. Having him fixed is on my long to do list. Ben is much better about letting me know he needs to go out. That is a mixed blessing because at four am NO ONE wants to walk him. We do not have a fence. That is the mixed blessing.
My son caught alot of fish at the beach. My youngest is going to have a riding lesson when we go for labor day, and everyone is going to ride go carts.
The shopping center is pushing for an addition on the grocery store. It backs to my house. They are interested in our property now...again. We'll see. I am not holding out hope. We would move to Crisfield if we had a choice. No one wants to live near mom-in-law. Brother in law is contemplating moving to either oc or va beach to get away from her. I tried to tell her she can not control 40year old children which is what she is doing and driving the three of them crazy because she gets upset when she does not get her way and lets them know. She has been really good about keeping her mouth shut around the kids when venting finally. My kids can not take criticisms about their parents from anyone especially grandmothers. They all quit calling grandmothers when this happened. So if anyone wants calls from grandchildren it would be best to not discuss shortcomings of parents. It puts my kids in a bad place. They have been taught to respect their elders, and not talk back. This put them in the position of not knowing how to handle the conversations. So calls were stopped. We are all guilty of making mistakes whoppers or not. We teach our children to not judge someone on mistakes. We say look at the good they have accomplished with their lives. The conversations were stopped all around because the disappointment and stress did not do a bit of good. It was a shock to both of us and hurt and disappointment. It felt like having wine thrown in both of our faces both ways. I have heard nothing from my mom.